Dog training is a lot like fitness training – it takes time and effort to get the results you want. I want to provide a training experience to my clients that is successful and long-lasting, and I developed my programs and classes to provide just that!
The Coaching Program lessons are held at my training school unless prior arrangements have been made during the consultation. Prices are for a single dog:
Ultimate Program Includes:
Three, Five or Seven 45-minute coaching sessions
Custom homework plan after each coaching session
Welcome To Training Your Dog booklet
Relevant handouts &/or reading material
Full coaching support between sessions
Customized plans fit your needs. Your plan may include items such as management and enrichment protocols, potty training, crate training, resource guarding and separation anxiety prevention, teething and chewing, communication, polite greetings, leash manners and basic recall games plus cues such as sit, down, stay, and drop.
GED [Generally Educated Dog] – The most popular program for owners who want their dogs to have a solid foundation of basic skills.
CARED [Challenging And Reactive Educated Dog] – This program is designed for owners who have dogs that need more than basic obedience. This program requires a minimum commitment of 5 sessions and a behavioral assessment must be completed before being accepted into the program. Severe behavior issues will require at least 7 sessions.
Barking, growling or cowering when meeting strangers or visitors
Guarding food, toys, people or spaces
Leash reactivity (bark/lunge at people, dogs or moving objects)
Issues with handling or grooming
Fighting with other dogs in your home
Acting out when left home alone
Scared or fearful when introduced to new people, objects or environments
Fence fighting with other dogs